Semester –V Paper-IV Indian-Economics

Semester –V Paper-IV Indian-Economics
                                                          Important questions
Essay –questions
          UNIT- I
1.      Explain the feature of Indian Economy.
2.      Explain the major issues of Indian Economy.
3.      Explain occupational distribution and its relationship with Indian Economy.
4.      Define National Income. Explain the National Income during various plans.
5.      Explain the changes in the composition of National Income and Employment.
6.      Explain Land, Water Resources.
7.      Explain Forest, Mineral, Metal Resources.
8.      Explain Population and its Size, Growth & Composition.
9.      Explain Effects of Economic Development.

       UNIT – II
1.      Explain Role & Importance of Agriculture.
2.      Explain Trends in Agriculture Production.
3.      Explain various Land Reforms of India.
4.      Define Green Revolution. Explain its achievements and failures.
5.      Define Green Revolution. Explain its advantages and lessons from Green Revolution.
6.      Define Green Revolution. Explain the New Thrust Areas in Agriculture.
7.      What are the various sources for Agricultural Credit?
8.      Explain the reasons for the cause of low productivity in Agricultural Sector.
9.      Explain food security in India.
10.  Explain defects in Agriculture Marketing. Suggest measures.
1.      Explain role and importance of Industries.
2.      Explain Trends in Industrial Production.
3.      Explain 1948 IPR.
4.      Explain 1956 IPR.
5.      Explain 1991 IPR.
6.      Define public sector. Explain its objectives.
7.      Define public sector. Explain its importance.
8.      Define public sector. Explain its Role.
9.      Define public sector. Explain the causes for expansion of public sector.
10.  Define public sector. Explain its short comings.
11.  Explain the performance of public undertakings.
12.  Define private sector. Explain its role.
13.  Define private sector. Explain its problems.
14.  Write a note on combined sector.
15.  Explain Role of social sector and its importance.
1.      Explain various Five Year Plan and its Target, Achievements and Failures.
2.      Explain 11th Five Year Plan.
3.      Explain 12th Five Year Plan and its Objectives, Strategies and Resource Allocation.
4.      Explain New Economic Reforms and its implications.
5.      Explain Globalization. How it affect the Indian Economy.


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