POLITICAL THOUGHT

1. Write an essay on Kautilya’s Arthashastra.
2. Plato’s theory on Justice
3. Machiavelli’s advice to the prince and the qualities.
4. Discuss Ghandhiji’s theory of Satyagraha.
5. Thomas Hobbes’s view on Social Contract.
6. Karl Marxian doctrines of communism
7. Kautilya’s state craft..
8. Plato’s ideal state and scheme of education
9. Main features of Marxism.
10. Aristotle’s classifications of constitution.
11. Aristotle’s view on ideal state and citizen ship.
12. Features of Ancient Political thought.
13. Write an easy on social system of Manu.
14. Trace the influence of Socrates’ on Plato’s Political thought.
15. Explain J.J.Rousseau general will and popular soverginity

1.       Manu’s concept of Varna dharma.
2.       Aristotle’s view on slavery.
3.       Nehru’s view on democracy.
4.       Ambedkar’s view on caste annihilation.
5.       Goutham Buddha on Political and ethics.
6.       Bentham’s theory on utilitarianism.
7.       J.S. Mill view on Liberty and representation govt.
8.       Lock’s concept of natural right.
9.       Gandhi’s view on Ramarajya.
10.   Machiavelli’s view on ethics and religion
11.   Gandhi’s principal of satygraha.

12.    Theory of Limited government by Locke.
1.       Foreign Policy of koutliya.
2.       Hegel’s theory of dialectics.
3.       Write Short notes on Thomas Aquinas.

1.       Saptanga  theory
2.       Mandala theory.
3.       Theory of Knowledge.
4.       General will
5.       Aquinas Kinds of Law
6.       Locke’s theory of rent
7.       Hegel on state
8.       Radical Humanism
9.       Gramsci’s  views on state.
10.   Aristotle’s classification of govt.
11.   J.S mill on Liberty.
12.   Buddhist view on Dharma
13.   Hobe’s on human nature.
14.   Importance of political thought
15.   Sources of Indian political thought.
16.   Life sketch of Bentham
17.   communism of wives
18.   Satygraha
19.   Matsyanayna
20.   Leviathan.

1.       Nature and scope of international relations.
2.       Causes of First World War.
3.       Globalization  meaning and importance
4.       SAARC power and functions and composition.
5.       Problems and prospects of Arms race
6.       Trace the evolution Of Indian Foreign policy
7.       Causes and consequences of Second World War.
8.       UNO its functions and powers reforms
9.       Positive and Negative effects of Globalization
10.   Define cold war and phases of cold war
11.   Role of UNO in establishing Peace and security in the world
12.   Causes effects of Colonization
13.   Achievements and failure of League of Nations
14.   Great economic depression of 1929 and its impacts on world.
15.   Discuss the third world problems of the Countries.
1.       Importance and causes of cold war.
2.       Functions and power of WTO
3.       Dissarment efforts
4.       NAM and its relevance in today’s world order.
5.       Composition and functions of ASEAN.
6.       Balance of power and types of power
7.       Feature of Sovereign state
8.       Define terrorism mention its various kinds.
9.       Achievements of Saarc.
10.   Structure and role of WTO.
11.   Structure and role of WTO
12.   Elements and determents of National Power.
13.   Features of Non-Alignment
14.   Collective responsibility
15.   Features of Multi-polarity
16.   Panchasheel
17.   Write about NATO
18.   Detent and causes
19.   Role of NAM in International relations
20.   North –south conflicts
21.   GATT and its features

1.       Decolonization
2.       Regional power
3.       Concept of Security in International relation
4.       Multipolarity
5.       Europe union
6.       CTBT
7.       Terrorism
8.       I MF
9.       General Assembly
10.   NPT
11.   World bank
12.   Human Rights
13.   Uni -polarity
14.   Arms control
15.   Treaty of Versailles
16.   Policy of Appeasement
17.   Organs of UNO
18.   Warsaw pact
19.   Munich pact
20.   Truman  Doctrine
21.   Berlin Blockade
22.   Bolsheviks Revolution.


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