Semester –v Developmental -Economics-II

Semester –v Developmental -Economics-II
                                      Important questions
Unit: 1
1. Define economic development. Explain the difference between development and economic growth
2. Define economic development. What are the pre requisite of economic development?
3. Define economic development. Explain the various obstacles of economic development?
4. Define factors governing economic development. Explain the factors governing the economic development.
5. Define economic development. Explain the various methods to measure economic development.
6. Explain PQLI, HDI & GEM.
7. Explain role of state and market in economic development.
Unit: 2
1. Explain the features of underdeveloped countries
2. Disguised unemployment.
3. Define capital. Explain the reasons for the low capital information.
4. Explain how population affects the country.
5. Explain how the population influence economic development of the country
6. Write short notes on the theory of demographic transition
7. Explain the obstacles of the over population and its effects on the economic development
8. Define sustainable development. Explain its objectives.
9. Explain the income inequalities in India.
10. Define economic degradation. Explain the different kinds of population.
11. Explain how human resources lead to economic development
Unit: 3
1. Explain Adam Smith theory of development.
2. Explain Richard theory of development.
3. Explain Marx theory of development.
4. Explain Schumpeter theory of development.
Unit: 4
1. Explain balanced growth.
2. Forward linked and backward linkage.
3. Explain unbalanced growth
4. Explain the merits and demerits of labour intensive and capital.
5. Explain Lewis theory of development.
6. Explain Rodons big push theory of development.
7 .Explain Libenstient theory of development.
8. Explain Myrdal theory of development.


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