Semester -2 Macro-Economics

Semester -2 Macro-Economics
                                            Important questions
ESSAY QUESTIONS:                             
1.                Define NI and what are the methods to measure and highlight difficulties involved while measuring.
2.                Define NI and  explain  various concepts of NI
3.                What is social Accounting?
1.                Explain the classical theory of income andemployment critically
2.                “Supply creates its own demand “, explain
3.                What do you mean by effective demand? How is it determined and what is is it’s important?
4.                Explain Keynesian theory of income and employment and its important
5.                Define consumption function and its importance.
6.                Define consumption function and what are the factor influencing consumption function
7.                Define multiplier and explain the working of the multiplier
8.                Define multiplier. Explain the leakage and the importance of the multiplier and its criticisms
1.     Define investment, what are the factors influencing /determining investment
2.     Define investment, explain the marginal efficiency of capital
3.    Explain the classical theory of interest  critically
4.     Explain the neo- classical loan able fund theory
5.    Explain the IS-LM curve with criticisms
6.    Explain the Keynesian liquidity preference theory.
1. Define money, what are the functions of money
2. Explain the fisher's quantity theory of money
3. What is cash balance approach, and how is it superior?
4. Define national income accounting and how it is useful and what are the difficulties involved in it
1.    Define trade cycle and explain the causes and consequences of trade cycle
2.     Define inflation and what are its causes and types
3.    What are the causes measures to control inflation
4.    Define inflation and what are its types
5.    What are the causes and consequences of inflation
6.    Define inflation and what are the theories of inflation
7.    Define inflation and what are the causes of inflation and what is inflationary gap?

Short answers:
1.                Gross National Product.
2.                APC.
3.                Liquidity Preference.
4.                Deflation.
5.                Cash Reserve Ratio.
6.                Macro Economics.
7.                Full Employment.
8.                Trade Cycle.
9.                Say's Law of Markets.
10.           Barter system.
11.           Expansion.
12.           National Income.
13.           Factor Market.
14.           Prosperity.
15.           Profit ability.
16.           Gross Domestic Product.
17.           Effective Demand.
18.           Bank Money.
19.           Contraction.
20.           Safety.
21.           Net National Product.
22.           Personal Income.
23.           MNP at factors Cost.
24.           Disposable Income. 
25.           Real National Income.
26.           Product method.
27.           Income Received Method.
28.           Expenditure Method.
29.           Composition of National Income.


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